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About Us
Olibul investments ltd (PACRA Registration #96128; from 2011) is a visionary and purposeful (growth-oriented) Zambian Company principally operating out of Solwezi & Kalumbila Districts of NorthWestern Province of Zambia.
Olibul Investments ltd operates several lines of businesses, as indicated below;
- Formal Seated Dinners
- Casual “Live Cooking” Tapas/Small Plate “grab n go” Events
- Self-Serve Hot/Cold Mixed Buffets
- Cocktail Reception Events with Passed Hors d ‘Oeuvres
- Stations Events (see video) with Food Displays & Carving Station
- Wine Dinners (with or without Sommelier)
- (Zambian) Intra-Country, and (sub-Saharan-Africa) Regional Cross-Border Freight Services (and bulk COMMODITY TRADING) of Food and Non-Food Industrial Commodities, for Large-Scale Wholesale and Retail Supply Chains
- Wholesaling, & Retailing of Heavy-Duty Truck Spare-parts
- Import & Export of Refined, and Value-Added Petroleum Products (OMC); LPG, LNG, Low Sulphur Diesel, HFO, Various Grades of Vehicle Engine & Industrial Lubricants, etc.
- Multi-Disciplinary Engineering & Mining (Contractor) Project Works (in support of the respective in-country Government Road & Building Construction sector, and the International Mining-Construction & Mining Operations Industries; across Southern Africa).
- General Civil Engineering Works, and Bulk Mining Earthworks
- Secondary and Feeder Road Construction
- Civil Infrastructure Projects (Earth Dams, River Diversion Channels, etc.)
- Hourly/ Daily (Heavy Duty) Earth Moving Plant Hire.
- *Open Pit Contract Mining*
- Structural Platforms
- Mine Haul Road Construction
- Production Drilling
- (Open Pit Operations Support) Crushing and Screening Solutions (Stem Rock, Pit-Road Sheeting Materials, etc)
- Bulk Material Handling, Clean-Up’s, Bush Clearing and Site Levelling, Other Mining Infrastructure Projects (Heap Leach Pads, TSFs and Other Pond Types, etc.)
- Our people
- Utilizing the “OLIBUL way” (our Organizational Culture), Systems and Processes
- To Drive us towards World-Class Performance
Key (Past & Current) Client Portifolio
1) (Zambia) Road Development Agency (RDA): T5 Highway Routine Maintenance – Solwezi District, North-Western Province – 2012
2) FQM Kansanshi Mining Plc. SMELTER – Supply of Bulk Metallurgical fluxing reagents from 2015 to date.
Key Personnel
Beattie Makukisi
Construction Manager
Qualification: Bachelors of Science in Building Science
Period of Experience: 15 years
Period of Experience: 15 years
Mufalo Kabika Nanyama
Bachelor of Civil Engineering
Qualification: Projects Manager
Period of Experience: 9 years
Period of Experience: 9 years
Lubilo Mate
Projects Director
Qualification: Bachelors of Engineering in Geomatics
Period of Experience: 17 years
Period of Experience: 17 years

Core Values
- Quality Products and Reliable Services
- Partnership with our Employees
- Hard Work, Having-Fun and Delivering Results
- Honesty, Fairness and Responsibility in ALL we do
- Initiative-in, Industriousness-in and Ownership-of all our Work

Company Philosophy
- “Disciplined Thoughts, build Disciplined People, who exhibit Disciplined Actions”
- Utilizing the “OLIBUL way” (our Organizational Culture), Systems and Processes
- To Drive us towards World-Class Performance

Core Purpose
Leadership in Visionary, Sustainable, Responsible, Broad-based and inclusive Wealth Creation, for Africa’s benefit

An Equitably Industrialized, and Developed Africa
What we Can do WITH, & for YOU
- Soft & Hard Rock Quarrying, Beneficiation/ Value Addition/ Manufacturing & Supply of Industrial Minerals such as Quick & Hydrated LIME, SYNTHETIC GYPSUM, Specialty-Grade Metallurgical Sands & Construction Aggregates.
- Multi-Disciplinary Engineering & Mining (Contractor) Project Works.
- (Zambian) Intra-Country, and (sub-Saharan-Africa) Regional Cross-Border Freight Services (and bulk COMMODITY TRADING) of Food and Non-Food Industrial Commodities, for Large-Scale Wholesale and Retail Supply Chains.
- Wholesaling, & Retailing of Heavy-Duty Truck Spare-Parts.
- Import & Export of Refined, and Value Added Petroleum Products (OMC).
Business Details
Business Name: | OLIBUL Investments ltd …. www.olibulinvest.com & www.olibul.com |
Postal Address: | C/O P.O. Box 110475, Solwezi, Zambia Stand # 168, Central Business District, Solwezi, Zambia |
Type of Business: |
PACRA Certificate of Incorporation No. | 96128 |
Date of Business Registration | 10th October, 2011 |
North Western Chamber of Commerce and Industry | ZJ0023 |
ZRA Tax Clearance Registration | 21/02/058044 |
ZRA TPIN Number: | New TPIN: 1002097880, ….. Old TPIN:1000009612804 |
ZRA VAT Certificate/Acc/ No. | 10382388/13 |
National Construction Council (NCC) Certificate(s) |
NAPSA Registration No. | 1740949 |
Workers Compensation Control Board Reg. | 0004571054/ 1402 |
CEEC Preferential Procurement Certificate | 3816 |
ZPPA Certificate Reg. | 2224/ 2013 |
ZEMA Environmental Permit(s) | ZEMA/ INS/ 101/ 04/ 1 |
Ministry of Mineral Resources And Energy License(s) | 23260-HQ-SML, |
Zambia Development Agency Investment License | ZDA 1502/ 10/ 12 |
ERB Practicing License(s) | 002142 |
Employee EIZ Membership No(s): | 007007, 008262 and 00983211267 |
Solwezi Municipal Council Business Permit(s) No. | 200578 |
Insurance(s) | Public Liability, Employer’s Liability, Fire and Allied Perils, Buildings (Fire and Allied Perils), Plant and Machinery (Burglary), Goods in Transit, Plant and Machinery (All Risks) |
Banker’s Details |